Friday, August 11, 2006

Playing hookey

N (4.5) really didn't want to go to school today. She wanted it to be Saturday. She asked if she could go to the Nanny's house today instead of going to school. I told her she could, but just for today, that skipping school wasn't something we could do often, but today we could make an exception. She was pleased. Then she got worried and asked, "But what will my teachers say?" I said it would be okay and they wouldn't mind if we told them it was just today.

I think she needed a day to play hookey. I need days to play every now and again. Of course, I never truly get to play hookey any more. I'm sure the last time I took a whole day off was before N was born. I get a few hours here and there, but mostly I have to be responsible. I am living vicariously through her today... Remembering a time when I was young and carefree. Alas....

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