Friday, June 09, 2006


This morning when T (9.5 months) was taking her morning nap, I noticed that the monitor in our bedroom, for hearing her, was turned all the way down. She may have woken last night. Oops. Bad Mommy!

I guess the good news is that she didn't scream loud enough to wake me. Our bedrooms are close, so even if she screamed she couldn't have screamed that loud or I would have heard. I guess the other good news is that this probably helped her learn to sleep a little better on her own. But still I feel like a bad Mommy even though I know she's fine. Oh, the guilt.

1 comment:

The Amazing Trips said...

HA!!! That really is funny! People have asked me how we got our triplets to sleep through the night (when they were 15 weeks old) and I told them "EASY! Just turn the baby monitor off. We sleep like a charm. And they do, too. I think!"

If your daughter REALLY needed you - - she would have let you know!

I found your blog from ... gosh ... I don't remember now. But, it had to do with your views on TV. I've read (and heard) "No TV before the age of 2!" But, come on. Baby Einstein is good stuff. I try to limit our TV to no more than 30 min - 1 hour a day, usually in 2-30 min segments (just before meal time when I need time to "prepare"). Our kids will enjoy 15 minutes or so, and then be up and busy running around while the TV plays in the back ground and they catch a peek here and there. No TV? What's next?? No Santa??? That's just crazy talk.

Hope you slept well again - - tonight! :)