Thursday, May 04, 2006

Drama Queen

And the winner for best actress in a dramatic role is N_____ K________!

N (4) had her babysitters convinced that she was very sick last night. When I got home she was on the couch doubled up in a ball crying that her stomach hurt. I was worried for a few minutes, but within 3 minutes I suspected she wasn't actually sick. Ten minutes after they left she made a "miraculous" recovery and said that watching "Nemo" would make her feel all the way better. I told her she had to get ready for bed before she could watch "Nemo" and she bounced up the stairs.

Little faker... She was never sick! She just didn't want to take a bath.

Her father and I explained that she shouldn't do the faking illness thing again. We told her about the boy who cried wolf.... We hope she got it.

1 comment:

Mrs. CP said...

Miss A does the same thing. :-) But her performances aren't very convincing as her illnesses strike rather suddenly. A: "I'm too sick to pick up toys. My tummy hurts." Me: "Oh, well when you are sick you should go straight to bed and get some rest so you can feel better. To bed you go!" A: "I'm not sick anymore!" Me: "Ahh, then you can help pick up toys! Yay!" :-)