Friday, May 05, 2006

Can I tell you a joke?

A mouse ran in the house. Then he ate all the food. The he got a tummy-ache.

That's N's latest joke. She's 4. She hasn't quite mastered the whole joke telling thing.


Mrs. CP said...

Hee hee :-). My joke when I was 5 yrd. old was - Knock, knock. Who's there? Alligator. Alligator who? Alligator gonna eat you! It totally cracked me up and still gets a giggle out of me to this day for some unknown reason. :-) I remember making it up during a very long car trip home from Walt Disney World back to Dallas.

Anonymous said...

WE have lots of knock knocks here, too. Sam's starting to tell the classics, but Lily just says "knock Knock! (Who's there?) Mommy! Hahahahahaha!