Sunday, April 30, 2006

I wonder and other things...

I wonder how many sunglasses I would need to always end up with one in my car. I currently have 2, but often I don't have any as I get in my car. Usually it's taken me 10-15 minutes to get the car all packed so going back for my sunglasses is the last thing I want to do.

Sometimes after I get the girls in the car and all strapped into their carseats and find all the blankets and toys that need to go with us (to prevent whining), I shut the doors to the car and stand outside it and take a deep breath. I always wonder if it would be a bad thing to run back in the house and do some work. Of course I never do, but I do wonder.

When I am alone in my car, I often find that I end up listening to the music my girls like. It's kind of funny to realize you've been driving for 10 minutes listening to Thomas the Tank Engine tunes when you could have been listening to whatever you wanted. I'm so good at tuning those songs out that I don't even realize they are on sometimes.

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