Thursday, January 19, 2006

I am so lame

My throat felt a little better during the day. I hope that by tomorrow I am back to normal (whatever that is!). At any rate, tonight will be another random facts post since I'm a little out of sorts and am tired. This is perhaps the longest and most rambling blog post of all times and all universes. The only organizing principle is little asterisks. Most thoughts between the sets of asterisks are related. Sometimes coherently.


N (4) likes to go to the park right by our house and hang on the low set of monkey bars. She'll hang by her knees on one of the rungs and with her hands on another rung. She used to do this and call herself a "slock." It took me a little while to figure out she was trying to say "sloth." I would try to correct her but she would say, "No, I'm a slock, not a sloth." Now she's a sloth she says.

How quickly they grow and how quickly they learn what is correct. When she was younger (around 2) she used to call horses "forses." She could say the "H" sound, as she'd say hat correctly, but horsey always came out forsey. I was so sad when she suddenly got it and started saying horse. Unfortunately, I didn't write down when forse extinguished. I think the one word N still mispronounces is flower as "flowler."


When I picked N up from preschool on Wednesday I was treated to a new piece of artwork that was painted while listening to Beethoven. I inquired about the painting. She said it was a tree frog. Beethoven and treefrogs... okay... My girl is creative.


A friend of mine just got a puppy... It's a darling golden retriever. Seeing it made me want a puppy! Not yet though. I can't handle the 3 babies I have. Four would push me over the edge! But the pup was so cute!


I'm melting... I have lost at least 10 pounds since starting my If lots of BBQ chips in the afternoon then no ice cream at night TM diet about 11 weeks ago. Not bad... About one pound a week.

Actually, the whole being pregnant and breastfeeding thing is so interesting to me. My body loses the weight pretty predictably as long as I'm not eating too much (like a pig). I'm now in jeans that are one size bigger than my normal jeans. It was right about this weight last time that I started squeezing into my regular jeans. (And right about this weight was when I got pregnant with T.)

I'm not quite ready to squeeze into my regular jeans, but in about 2-3 pounds I might be! Woo-hoo! (This time I don't think I'll end up pregnant when I put on those jeans--we have medical science trying to prevent that from happening.) One thing seems a little different in my weight loss this time, my legs seem smaller and my stomach seems slightly bigger. Given 3 pregnancies in 4 years, it's not surprising that this might be the case.

I am still optimistic and believe that I can get back into the same shape I was in before kids. (Am I naive?) I think believing I can do it is half the battle. I've got about 10 more pounds to go.


The being more patient with N thing... I'm doing much better and being much more patient. I just keep reminding myself how young she really is and when she's really driving me crazy I just calmly pick her up and carry her up to her room and give her a time-out. I used to feel bad about doing this. I used to feel like I wasn't being a good parent because I couldn't talk about things with her and calm her down. It actually turns out that she likes to get a little time on her own like this.

One evening, she was just being completely irrational and insatiable, and I carried her to her room and laid her on her bed. As I was walking out the door she feebly said, "Could you take off my shoes so I can be more comfortable." I took off her shoes and then walked out of the room before I began laughing.

I think some kids just need time alone. I no longer feel inadequate for doing time-outs with her. She's a little girl who has always needed her own space. This is just another example of that.


A long time ago (Sept.) I wrote how I thought T (5 months) might end up as my brunette.... I spoke to soon... In about November she started getting lighter and lighter hair. Now she's very blonde. N (4) is turning darker so maybe she'll be my brunette. N says she doesn't want dark hair. N says she wants to be a blonde. Her father says, "Better living through chemistry."


K (20 months) is now walking down the stairs holding on to the wall or the handrail instead of bouncing down the stairs on her little bottom. This walking down thing started happening a couple of weeks ago. She is so coordinated and careful. Have I mentioned she likes to try to count? She says most of the names of numbers between 1 and 10 and sometimes they are even in the right order.

Last night as I was putting her to bed she kept saying, "night-night Mom Mom." Over and over. Very cute.

The other night I asked her if she wanted me to feed her yogurt or if she wanted to feed herself and she replied, "I'll do it." Totally enunciated. I almost dropped the yogurt!

In the last couple of days, K has learned that her favorite blanket (bankie! as she says) (and yes she always says it with the exclamation point) is yellow. When I get her out of the crib in the morning she hands it to me and says, "yel-yow."


T is really beginning to laugh and giggle all the time. I love the giggling baby stage!


Tonight as N and I were snuggling before she went to bed she told me, "I'll never never never never be a baby again." I know I told her sadly.

My little girls are always growing!

It's all about rapid cell division around here.

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