Saturday, January 07, 2006

A funny, as in funny sad, not funny ha-ha, story

I have to record this for posterity even though it's sad and I'm a PollyAnna and I hate writing down the bad. And actually, it's funny, as in ha-ha, if it didn't happen to you. Now, enough time has passed that I can actually laugh about it too.

Back in October I was so stressed. Totally. And. Completely. Stressed. T was only 2 months old and my brain was not back. (It's not all the way back now, but I am getting better.) We were getting ready to buy our new house. I was doing a big project at work. My parents were about ready to come visit.

Anyway, back in October when I was stressed, (did I mention that I was really really really stressed?), I was eating lunch and I bit my fork. It was a metal fork. I was eating fast, because I was stressed, and trying to get 17 things done at once, and I bit my fork. What kind of idiot bites her fork? In that fork-biting instance I chipped off a piece of one of my lower teeth and hurt one of my upper teeth.

I am happy to report that my teeth are now all fixed. The dentist fixed my upper one quickly (and it is beeeeee-yooou-ti-ful!), but we decided to wait till this year so that the insurance money would "re-fill," before we fixed the lower one. It was a very small chip out of the lower one and I'm sure no one else noticed it. I could tell when I looked at it in the mirror, but it didn't look bad. My tongue knew, but it knows everything about my mouth. My tongue is very happy the tooth is fixed as before it was a little rough. Now it's smooth and my tongue is happy again.

Anyway, there you have it... The fork-biting reality of three.

The PollyAnna in me views this fork-biting incident as a "wake-up call." A chance to realize that I needed to slow down, focus, and get more help before something really bad happened. It did help me re-prioritize.

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