Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Revised Personal Motto and Other Random Stuff

With enough caffeine and a clone or two, I can do anything!

3 little girls this close in age are too much for any one person. Even my super nanny doesn't like to be alone with all 3. I used to feel like a wimp in not liking to be alone with them, but now I feel like it's okay.

If I had a clone or two, one of me could do work, and one (or two) of me could watch the girls. I would prefer two clones, but if I can only get one, I'll take it.

Miss K (19 months) is now in bed... Let's hope she falls asleep earlier tonight than she did last night. Miss N (almost 4) is soon to follow.

Tomorrow is Miss T's 4 month well-baby check up. I'm excited to see how she is growing. Oh, she rolls over front to back and back to front. (I don't think I documented it when it happened. I didn't actually see it, one of the nannies did first. I have since seen it happen.) Miss T is giggling (when something is very funny and talking like crazy. She loves to suck on her hands, your hands, toys, anything that holds still or doesn't put a fight goes in her mouth.

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