Friday, December 23, 2005

Making a list

I'm finally feeling somewhat caught up on holiday related things.

I picked up our cards and now all I have to do is print off the little newsletter thingy (it's as uncheesey as I can possibly make it) and address the envelopes. I am hopeful that we can get our cards in the mail by the day after Christmas. Maybe I can even get some in the mail tomorrow.

I haven't updated a while about the if BBQ chips in the afternoon then no ice cream TM diet. I have lost about 7 pounds and can fit into 3 of the jeans that I like. Yippee! I'm hopeful this time around that I can make it back to my pre-pregnancy weight before T is 1 year. 40 weeks on and 40 weeks off is a good way to think about it. I would be happy if I could lose it within 40 weeks. At the rate it's come off thus far, 40 weeks could be do-able.

Tonight, I'm hopeful that K (19 months) will go to sleep before 11:30 pm. I'm not sure why I think it might happen, but I am hopeful. Miss K needs about 11 hours of sleep a night. She used to fall asleep around 9-ish and wake up around 8-ish. Now she is falling asleep around 11-ish and getting up around 10-ish. We are night owls around here, but she needs to fall asleep without crying and having me hold her ... Last night she wanted me to hold her till she fell asleep, and I said no. We compromised. I put her on her tummy and patted her back till she relaxed and then she fell asleep on her own. I'd prefer she fell asleep no later than 10 too.

Sleep is sacred around here. We are very glad that our girls don't get up at the crack of dawn. We've actually worked hard at teaching them that getting up before 8 am is just not allowed around here. They have accepted it. Seriously. We do not get up before 8 am.

My Mom always said, "When you have kids you'll have to get up earlier." I always said, "No way." Since neither my husband nor I are morning people, we have genetics on our side too. My Mom used to also say, " When you have kids, you will be a lighter sleeper." Nope. I sleep like a log still.

Not sure how this turned into a post about sleep... Maybe it's the visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads thing.

File under full of randomness.

Oh, one more sleep thing....
I had this wonderful cat. He was the Best. Cat. Ever. He and I loved each other. He used to sleep with his paws wrapped around my arm and snuggled next to my side. When I was first pregnant with T, I had a dream that he (my wonderful cat) told me he had arranged for T since he wouldn't make it through the end of the year as he was very sick and he wanted me to have another baby to take care of when he was gone. It unfortunately turned out to be true that he didn't make it through the year. He was very sick. He had been suffering from a chronic illness for a couple of years and one of the possible side effects occurred. Anyway, the point of that background information is to get to the main point that T is now sleeping cuddled up next to my side with her arms wrapped around my arm.... Just like my dear, departed kitty used to do. I like to have connections to him still. He was and always will be my boy.

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