Monday, November 14, 2005

Thank goodness for the Web!

I may have mentioned that we moved ...

I may have mentioned that half my stuff (or it seems that way) is still in boxes.

I went to make rice this weekend (on Saturday) with my steamer and I couldn't find the instruction manual for it. The manual was packed by the movers and I didn't know where it was. I needed the manual to look up the amount of water and amount of rice you stick in the steamer. With my steamer, you don't just stick in the amount of rice and water that the package of rice says... You pour less water in the rice bowl than you would if you were cooking the rice in a pan because you also put water in the steamer part and the steam that cooks the rice also is absorbed into the rice too (somehow).

Anyway, it's frustrating when you want to cook something that should be easy and it's not. I didn't want to spend hours searching for that manual in the boxes that are around. I turned to the web. Within about 10 minutes, I was able to find and download a soft copy of the manual for the rice cooker!


Love the web!

I'm not sure if we're saving any time by not unpacking everything. It seems like I spend a lot of time (and experience a lot of frustration) searching through boxes looking for different things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have so done that. Of course, if you were organized Martha Stewart TAW girl, you would have clearly labeled ever box. So you just had a baby? Think that slows Martha down?