Thursday, December 15, 2011

oops, I forgot to buy pants

This fall, I've been a leeeeetle busy.  I was scheduled to the maximum and then my Mom died--not a good combination.  I haven't been doing super well and pretty much everything has been overwhelming.  It was a pretty warm fall so the girls didn't complain about wearing their short, capri-length pants up until last week when it turned colder.

When I went to get out their winter pants, I realized, in my overwhelmed state, that I hadn't ordered any new pants for them.

D'oh!  They didn't have new pants for this fall/winter.  twoK's old pants were too snug and oNe had two pairs that didn't have holes, but were two short.  Three-a was in decent shape.  She had 2 new pairs of pants (a little thinner than they should be for this time of year, but okay; two pair of twoK's old pants; and one pair of her own from last winter that still fit).

For twoK and oNe, I dug through all their clothes and found two more pairs for oNe (I did buy her a pair of cargo pants earlier) and one pair of twoK's that still fit and were long.  With extra loads of laundry and rotating their pants we made it through the week.  The order I placed,* last week, will hopefully arrive soon.

There you go, the story of the pants, or lack thereof.  The end.

*Yea, I could have gone out to buy some pants for them, but I wanted a certain brand and I didn't want to have to fight all the crowds at the mall.  I RARELY go to the mall anymore.  Zappos and Amazon pretty much do it for me.  I don't miss the mall at all.

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