Sunday, January 30, 2011


I lapsed. I meant to keep writing all week, but I had a busy week at work--soul sucking, even.

We have this client and they are certifiable; maybe, psycho is a better word. Anyway, we had to deal with their crap and it took a lot of time. It's funny, I have the greatest colleagues you could imagine, but, right now, the worst clients. I guess you can't have EVERYTHING. Moving on.

I also went on a field trip with oNe's class. That's always fun, but it takes time. I wouldn't trade it for the world, but it's another reason I had no time. I'll write about the field trip on the other blog.

(Completely random: Three-a's getting good with cartwheels!)

Finally, we did get a kitty!!!! He's wonderful. He's the one we met last week. He's an amazingly sweet and gentle cat. I <3 him! twoK is delighted. (Note, I have to write more about the stuff we've been going through with twoK for the last couple of months, I'm hopeful that the kitty will help with twoK, but right now, I have to finish bedtime with them. And then fall asleep, too!)

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