Sunday, August 23, 2009

Report from Germ HQ

I'm writing to you from Germ HQ this morning.

MWH has fallen prey to this virus that has invaded our house. He had sinus-stuffiness yesterday and a really sore throat last night (that kept him awake). He thought it was a common cold yesterday, but I think it's the same virus. It will affect adults slightly differently than children, I'm guessing. The girls are almost over their fevers, oNe was fever-free yesterday. twoK and Three-a were about 100 rather than 101-102. Three-a has hinted that she'll be coughing soon, but isn't really coughing yet.

I calculated the incubation of this virus to be ~4-5 days. Based on MWH coming down with it, it could be many more days until I know I am in the clear. UGH.

Over and out.

Here is the technical section on the virus, from the CDC, describing the virus most likely responsible for the situation. (Parainfluenza)

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