Saturday, April 04, 2009


Today, we got up and took the girls to a birthday party at 10 in the morning. It was early, but it worked great. It was at a pizza place, you know, the one with the oversized rodent, and the place was empty. If we ever wake up early on a weekend day, we'll go back there and let the girls play. By noon, it was getting crowded.

I'm going in about 10 different directions emotionally, today. First, I felt all silly today. I'm not sure why. Then, I go to get coffee at a place I never go, and I'm looking forward to the coffee, but as I drive in the parking lot, I get hit in the chest with sadness. I believe the last time I was at that coffee place, I met my friend who died. Sigh.

Oh, speaking of death, my Mom's best childhood friend died recently. It was fairly sudden. The woman was 86-ish, so not completely unexpected, but it hit my Mom kind of hard. I guess it's good Dad had a longer-ish demise for my Mom's sake.

Okay, despite the fact that this post has become macabre, I am in a good mood. Next up with the girls, the park!

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