Thursday, March 08, 2007

#743 for me #744 for them

K (2.75) was crying today because her ear hurt. We gave her some ibuprofen and it made her feel better. I don't want to have to take her to the doctor if it's not necessary. I'll make a decision when I see her tonight.

My throat and ears are bothering me. I think that this cold is focussing there. I'm not too bad (yet), and hopefully my zicaming will help. (I wish I would have thought of zicaming sooner than this morning!)

On a related note, a colleague and I were discussing germs... I was telling him how I thought preschool was the germiest place ever. My theory is that the flu and cold viruses have the perfect environment to mutate continuallly in our children. He came up with the idea that the germs are spontaneously generating at preschool. (Much like people used to think that fleas came from putrid matter as the Wikipedia says.)

(On another related note, did you know that knowledge generates spontaneously at the Wikipedia? Kidding! I love the Wikipedia.)

Okay... I'm obviously a little punchy. I should go finish up my work on that project that was supposed to have a dealine of Tuesday... Then Friday... Now Monday.... Sometimes my work increases and then NEVER SEEMS TO END.

Miss N (5) is such a good girl when she's sick. Last night, she was tired, and she said, I'm ready to go to bed now so I'll feel better. She went to bed a whole hour earlier than normal. Wowza.

1 comment:

RUTH said...

It seems to me that whenever you first start hanging out with lots of other people you're going to have to build up immunity to the 200 cold viruses currently circulating. Children who go to any form of preschool get the 200 colds in their first year or so there, children don't hang out in large groups until primary school get 200 colds in their first year of school. This leaves me wondering do people who live in isolated communities and do schooling via correspondence get vast numbers of colds when they go to university?