Monday, October 02, 2006

Slightly sick kid

N's cold isn't too bad, it doesn't even really seem like a cold. She didn't look a bit sick today. She was running around this morning and acting all chipper. Her nose was a teeny bit snuffly. She went to preschool today. At first she said, "I'm too sick to go to school." When I told her she could either go to school or go to the nanny's house, but that I couldn't stay home all day, she decided to go to school.

When I first had kids I swore I'd never send a kid to school with a snuffly nose. I still feel guilty having sent N today. I worry that she is spreading germs, but preschool is where she gets these things and everyone else goes sick so should I feel guilty? One friend of mine sends her kids unless their nose is really running or unless they are running a fever. I definitely wouldn't send N (or K or T) if they had a fever. I probably wouldn't send them if they seemed really tired. I wouldn't send them if their nose was running a lot. Tell me, please, what are your rules about slightly sick kids (e.g., with a cold) and school?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We haven't hit school yet but my policy for colds and creche is if the sick small person would find it hard to cope they don't go. So chirpy child with dripping nose goes to creche, bouncing off the walls wheezing child goes to creche with inhaler (H takes Ventolin and sometimes Prednisone for her asthma - these are both uppers), poor pathetic snot monster who just wants to cuddle stays home and spreads snot on all available shoulders.

Something I read said there are 200 mutations of the cold virus circulating within any population of humans at any time. You keep one cold home to stop infecting the rest of the children and one of the other 199 colds will get them.

(Fevers, vomitting and excessively splatty bottoms also stay home).