Monday, February 27, 2006

With 3 kids, you can't be a germophobe...

however I'm a recovering one.

One of my earliest clear memories is when I was around 3 and 1/2, when one of my brothers touched the glass I was drinking from, and GASP, he had touched the rim. I refused to drink out of that glass any more and demanded that it either be washed or that I be given a new one. I was convinced that he had contaminated the glass and that I would get sick. (Yea, I sound like a neurotic kid.)

My fear of germs goes way back as you can tell. It is deeply rooted in my psyche. When I was in my twenties, I didn't think I wanted kids because of how many germs kids have.

Now I have to be content to wash their hands and use hand sanitizer, and hope for the best. Kids can get 8-10 colds a year. If you multiply that by 3 kiddos, we're going to have a lot of yuck in the house for the next few years. Fortunately, adults only get around 2 or so a year since theoretically we've been exposed to more along the way to adulthood. Last year, I had 2 colds, and we didn't have one in preschool yet, but I was pregnant and that depresses the immune system. This year I've had the two colds that the little ones have had too. I'm hopeful that I'm done now since I've had my two colds.

I'm going into the next week and 1/2 with major trepidation. It's raining and wintry and it's supposed to be that way until at least next Tuesday. That means more germs contained in the small preschool room. No recess (I'm a big believe in outdoor play WHENEVER possible since the sun's ultraviolet rays kills germs faster than you can say lickety-split). I really dislike picking N (4) up when they don't get recess. It just feels so stale in that room.

I think I'm going to go buy a gallon of hand sanitizer! It can't hurt right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I keep hand sanitizer wipes in the car, and in theory Sam uses one every day after school "so we don't take germs home to Lily". And I am not, as you know, a germaphobe. It's just that preschools are, well, germy!