Sunday, October 16, 2005

My goal for tomorrow

I try to set one or two goals for each and every day, but only one or two. With 3 little ones, accomplishing more than one or two things (aside from feeding and caring for them) is nearly impossible. I know I'll be able to do more each day as they get older so right now I don't worry too much about my lack of accomplishments.

Anyway, my goal for tomorrow is to go back to my dance class! I'm so excited. I took dance up until the week before T was born. I've missed it. It's been 9 weeks.

Today's goals, in case you were wondering, were to vacuum the upstairs of the house (got 2/3's of it done) and to get more unpacking done (didn't quantify how much and I did do some--in fact, I'm quite proud of how much). Tomorrow's goal is much more fun.

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