Sunday, September 18, 2005

Time flies....

Time flies when you're....

Moving... When T was 3 weeks old (last week), we moved.

Chasing 2 toddlers and caring for a newborn. Each day I can go through exactly 3 boxes because of said toddlers and baby. At this rate we'll be unpacked by Thanksgiving.

Looking at other houses to buy. We moved from a house we own to a rental house so we can stage and sell the house we own so we can buy another.

Trying to do some work (that I get paid for) with a 4 week old. I don't know why, but I agreed to do a project that will consume October before T was born. That wouldn't be too bad, but it does involve getting prepared for the project starting NOW. That's ok, I like my work better than unpacking boxes and it gives me an excuse not to unpack. Maybe I should revise my goal of getting unpacked by Thanksgiving and change it to New Years and then maybe we'll have our real house by then.

All is well here, but a little crazy busy. Surprisingly, we are getting approximately 7-8 hours of sleep a night. T is a wonderful sleeper (in bed with Mommy and Daddy) and nurses well during the night (barely disturbing me). I love the co-sleeping thing. If I couldn't do that, I couldn't function!

I'll add more details about everything that is going on soon.

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