Saturday, December 05, 2020


oNe is supposed to be away at college. Instead, she is home taking classes online. While I am delighted she is here I am also sad she is missing out on her freshman year.  The only good thing is she is not alone in the missing out. So many kids are. She wouldn't be happy there b/c she'd be scared. Maybe it would help her gain confidence, and maybe she'd learn and grow, but it feels bad to push a kid out of the nest during a pandemic. She wanted to stay home. Should I have made her go?  No is the answer I am at right now. She worries about 1) getting sick, 2) giving it to someone else, and 3) the long shot that the virus could affect her severely and long-term. These are her worries... mine too, but she actually worries more than me.

We could talk about twoK, she's the opposite and will be heading out the door first chance she gets, I believe. College is still 1.5 years away, but she is ready.  Every kid is different. She is ready to try out her wings.

One good thing is that I got to study with oNe (in my area of expertise) and help her prepare for her tests. I had a blast. I don't think this overrides the bad of her not being there. Another good thing: I am so happy she has her sisters. Sometimes there is much giggling, wrestling, late night talks. Hearing the giggles and the love makes my Mom heart smile.