Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I've been wanting to blog here for a long time, but I just haven't had the time.

We moved! At the end of July! Like planned! However, the house wasn't done. Still isn't. I'm hoping for most stuff to be done by mid-October and then feel finished by January....  (A girl can dream, right?)

Stuff we LOVE about the new house:
We can bike to the park more easily
The girls can bike up and down the driveway without me being outside
We have lots of fruit in the backyard!
New neighbors who seem fabulous!

Funny stuff:
We put in hampers from all the bedrooms that lead to a common closet. The hampers are now portals to different rooms for the kitties--they love it! The girls also love crawling through them. I did it once, but didn't think it was all that great.

Stuff that is driving me crazy:
I can't find anything. For a couple of weeks it was my scotch tape, stapler and headset. Now it's my camera charger.... BOOO!
I am pretty sure my brain is packed as well.
We won't even get started on what's not done in the house, or what's done, but was done poorly so has to be re-done.
(Poor MWH he has to deal with me.)

Summer is over and the girls are back in school. oNe is in middle school now--WHOA! We go meet the teachers tonight and I'm very excited. twoK didn't get the teacher she wanted and for a few days it was very rough. This was right after we moved so she was still reeling from the move. (More about that later--maybe.) Three-a is, as usual, my little sunny girl. She just turned 8 and is in 3rd grade. I have high hopes for this year. Second grade was rough because of a situation with the teacher (can't remember if I shared about that or not, but maybe I will if I suddenly get more time).  (The situation with the teacher was mostly because of the new principal and another new teacher at the school. It wasn't pretty and the teacher ended up leaving the school. She'd been at the school for a long time, so it felt very sad and NOT GOOD.)  (Ugh.)

Work... I'm kind of not into work right now. I'm hoping to get my work mojo back. I'm blaming it on the time of year--the start of school is ALWAYS hard. I am so lucky to have a great job, great colleagues, and I need to just buckle down and get back to it. I've been "mostly off" for most of the summer (July-Aug) so it's getting back into the groove that's always hard.

Why don't I blog here any more?... It's not that I don't have stuff I want to write about, but I am spending more time at the food blog and the "other blog." I'm still not quite ready to shut this blog down.