Sunday, February 17, 2013

At some point...

At some point, I'll probably have to close this blog down... I'm pretty pathetic, but I'm still posting occasionally--at this rate, I'll end up with 6 posts this year. Let's see, little girl highlights that don't make it on the other blog:

Right after we went back to school, we got one very sick child (twoK).  She had a high fever, a sore throat, and a BAD COUGH.  She told me who had coughed on her and I found out he'd been sick over break and gone back to school on the first day, but then he went home later the first day and was sick some more.  When I spoke to him, he confirmed he had had a really high fever.  I don't have a thermometer any more, but twoK felt REALLY hot....

I gave her lots of Elderberry (in case it was the flu), ibuprofen (for the high fever), and chocolate (for her cough).

It all seemed to help. Someday, I'm going to have to do a post on Elderberry, and how it's good for reducing the severity and duration of the flu, but not today.  On another note, it turns out that chocolate is a really effective cough suppressant.

I conducted an experiment when twoK was sick. (I didn't mean to, but it just happened.) She'd coughed for an hour and 1/2 and in desperation, MWH searched the web to see what we could give her.  (I was just about to send him out to a 24 hour drugstore at 11 pm---he was trying not to go.)  He read about chocolate. I gave her about an ounce of dark chocolate (70%) and after about 1/2 hour she stopped coughing and was fine for 5 hours.  After 5 hours, she coughed again. I stumbled downstairs (It was about 4:30 / 5 am) and told her to eat more chocolate.  She slept for another 5 hours.  Go chocolate!

Here's a couple of links for you if you want to know more. 

Here are some posts from FB over the last couple of months that I don't want to forget.

The younger two girls are running around the house holding their breath and narrating about the fish and wonderful underwater creatures they are seeing... They are scuba diving.  Later they are going camping on an island.  #loveimagination

(And yea, this is FB, so I don't post about the times when they aren't so cute.)

Proud of N for helping her little sister K figure out her Math problems! Helping someone else understand is the best way to make sure you understand. #learning

I'm currently trying to help the girls learn that the *most effective* way to make a request (for me to purchase something, have a play date, or put an event I need to remember on the calendar) is to email me.

If they email me, I can get the request while on the computer thus upping the chances that I'll be able to (order the item, email the friend's mom, or put the event in my calendar). Slowly, it's working and N is learning. T and K still need more reminders.

Dear Girls,
Please email.
Love, Mom


N learned to do the Macarena, today. #heh

T (age 7) is working on her book report and contemplating if traveling back in time and giving the draft to a past self would get it done faster. Heh.

A friend from my high school days came to visit.  The girls had a good time.  It was kind of a random thing.  I'm glad she came.

Okay, that's it for now.  That takes us back through the beginning of the year.  The kitties are pretty well documented on the other blog.  The food situation is pretty much documented on the "other other" blog.  If you want to see either of those, let me know.  You can email virtual _ jk at (the big web company that starts with a Y) . com  .  If you're not a bot, and you have interest, you can figure it out.