Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer: Week 2

We're still enjoying the lazy days, and we're very thankful that oNe can still do a lot of fun stuff!  I'm really enjoying working less this summer. We still have a ton of stuff going on, but if we didn't, we wouldn't be us.

The girls are each taking a dance class, twoK is taking violin lessons, oNe was doing swim team, but now isn't (see broken arm), and twoK and Three-a are doing gymnastics.  oNe is doing a Zumba class with me!!!! Wheeeee!

On the camp front...
oNe and twoK will go to an iMovie camp in July (for 3 days).  I have booked one week at sewing camp for twoK.  I haven't booked anything for Three-a yet; she'll either do a dance camp or a science camp (she's too young for both iMovie and sewing camp).

We may do a week of horseback riding camp in August... I'd like to get in a week of dance camp for all 3 girls, but I'm not sure if we can given the schedule for it and oNe's arm.  Hrm... maybe I can do a week of dance camp the first week and a week of horseback riding camp the second week--need to think about this.

Let's see, other exciting news, I cleaned my desk and our room is cleaner than it has been in MONTHS. I still have a lot of rooms to sort through before our move, but I think our move is going to be delayed...  It makes it hard to get motivated to sort and toss when I don't have a deadline.  I need deadlines.

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