Friday, July 31, 2009

MRI and Dresses

I saw this dress on the web... I really liked it. If I ever have to buy a pretty dress for some event, I'm going to look for one like this one.

I had my MRI today. I feel, um, kind of funny now. I guess, being in a very small noisy enclosure for 40+ minutes and getting Gadolinium injected can do that to a person. It's funny, but I didn't think about the MRI at all before hand, nor did I think about the previous one I'd had, but when I got there, I had an instant, fairly sharp memory of the last one. I remember there were two technicians the last time, and they kept telling me to lay VERY still. There's a speaker and microphone in the machine so they can talk to you and you can talk to them. It was loud and I swear I can feel the atoms in my body being pulled into different positions while the machine clunks and thunks.

I'm not claustrophobic, and mostly I use the time to rest, but I don't think I want to sign up for another MRI soon. I have a question.... I've only had two MRIs on my head/neck... When it's on a different portion of your body, like your knee, or lower back, is your head in the machine too? If any one reads this who has had an MRI on a lower part of your body, let me know!

Results in a couple of days. Hands are feeling a little extra numb now, so I am glad I did it.


RUTH said...

I love the dress.

Good luck with the MRI results.

Lola Granola said...

Hey, my word verification is "daemit". Can I add an exclamation point?

Keep me posted re: MRI. ANd exercise makes the blood flow, right?

KH said...

Any word on the MRI results?

Very pretty dress!