Monday, June 02, 2008

Green Cleaning Genius!

Guess who!

Me, that's who. I have to share!!!!

We have a water and ice dispenser on our refrigerator. We have hard water. The water dispenser is black. We had a lot of caked on mineral deposits on the tray of the water dispenser.

MWH felt they were on there forever. He's often in charge of cleaning the kitchen. I didn't want to step on his toes. However, today, I was cleaning before some folks came over to see the house (they hadn't seen our house before) and I wanted to work on the mineral deposits.

At first, I was using the sponge and ELBOW grease. I made a little progress. The deposits were less thick. I came up with the saying, "Rome didn't fall in a day." (To go along with the saying, "Rome wasn't built in a day." I guess, "Rome wasn't cleaned in a day," would work too.) I figured more elbow grease would eventually remove the mineral deposits.

After our guests came and left, I went back to scrubbing. And then, I used my noggin. I wanted a mild acid to clean the calcification off. I remembered WHITE VINEGAR! I filled the tray full of white vinegar, let it set for about half-hour, and then wiped it clean. It was THAT EASY. The dispenser looks new!

White vinegar is my new BFF. I am a cleaning genius. Go forth and make your houses clean with a very GREEN cleaner. This is my tip of the day, heck, tip of the YEAR. (If you have cleaning tips that work, please share--the greener, the better!)

1 comment:

Zaz said...

Heh, I think you must be mistaking me for someone who cooks things or cleans things :p