Monday, September 03, 2007


There's a carousel that the girls really like(d)... We call it "the old carousel" because it was sort of old fashioned looking. In reality, it was new. About a year and 1/2 ago, it stopped running and we kept waiting for it to get fixed. The girls still talk about it. We just drove by it on Friday and K (3) and N (5.5) noticed it was still broken. I told them that I didn't think they were going to fix it and it was sad.

Later, K and I were talking and she said, "We need to call someone to fix the carousel." I asked who we should call--should we call Handy-Manny*. She said, "No Mommy, Handy-Manny isn't in this life. He's on TV." Smart girl. Well said! I asked, "What about Builder Bob?" K: "No, he's not in this life either. We should call Builder James." (James is the contractor who did our remodel.)

*In case you don't watch Handy-Manny, there's an episode where he fixes an old carousel. Still, this didn't throw her.

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