Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Short one...

N is sniffling and I am worried that we're on our way to cold #847. I just was almost feeling better... I'm at about 95% right now... I don't want another cold!

As far as my stress goes, there's nothing to report, nor will there be anything to report for at least a week or two. I have the 4 scenarios that I see as possibilities outlined and thought through, but it will be at least a week before I know which one is more likely. I've been stressing a lot since last Thursday and now, I think I'll put it away (if possible) for a while. I need to get some work done!

Here's my list:

1. Start work on slides for talk with my friend. We had a great meeting today. Now I won't really be able to do much on this until after Monday.

2. Finish grading the tests (adjust grades).

3. Grade the essays.

4. Grade the DB posts.

5. Make my lecture for Monday when I'll be observed. (started, but still needs 2-3 hours of work)

6. Work all day Thursday and Friday on two work projects.

I'll cross things off as I get them done.

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