Wednesday, December 20, 2006

a short update 'cause I'm stressed!

I don't have time to update, but if I don't, I won't have room in my head for the other things I need to think about.

Yesterday, I kind of took the day off to recover from the trip and get some new house things done. I'm glad I did, but bleh, today at work was stressful. Thinking about the move is stressful. All of the stuff I have to do before Christmas is stressful. I like my life at an even keel and the holidays just put things over the top for me. Moving and the holidays is doing me in!!!!

One good thing....The floor is done! Well, it's got all the coats of finish on it and is drying as I type right now! I went over and saw it and breathed the awful fumes from the finish for about 5 minutes. They can't be that bad because the floor guy breathes them the whole time he's finishing the floor and he's breathing hard because it's physically tough work to finish the floor. However, my head is now pounding and my ears are ringing. I don't know if it was the fumes or something else. I went to the chiropractor and perhaps that's why my head is pounding and ears are ringing... Who knows.... Or maybe it's just stress????

I have to show you a picture of the shoes K (2.5) got last night. They are so cute. They are so girly. Remind me later!

I have to figure out if I want to buy a real or artificial tree to have at the new house. I think I just want to get an artificial one that has lights in it already. I think this makes sense because, 1) I don't really like decorating, 2) the lights on the tree already make decorating easier, 3) the artificial tree, while it doesn't smell like Christmas (negative), doesn't shed it's needles everywhere (positive). I hope I can find one at least 50% off!

At work, we had the BIG meeting on Monday. We now need to write a letter/email to follow-up. I started listing points for the email. Then I got this request from one of my clients for a lot of data.

I was working on a little bit of data for another client (thanks for doing that KH!) but now, the other organization needs about 16 times the amount that the one organization is getting. I'm glad I spent some time thinking about the small project first because now I have to figure out how to get the large amount of data out of our database in the least painful way. The organization that wants a lot of data also needs it organized differently than the group that wanted the smaller set of data. I spent about 2 hours thinking about how to get the big amount of data out today. I think that the programmer and I figured some things out that will make it work.

Then another big potential project (MP) that we're working on just responded (positively) today and now we have to respond back to them. My supervisor just drafted a response and the team and I have to go through it tonight and give him feedback. He'll be sending it tomorrow. Fingers crossed that they like what we say!

Tomorrow I have to make myself spend 2 hours working on some searches for this other project. I HAVE TO DO THIS. I HAVE NO DESIRE TO DO IT. (I HAVE TO!)

Okay... Now I have to go work on data. I am still planning to go exercise because, 1) I like to, 2) it's good for me, and 3) if I don't go, I'll feel guilty. It's so easy to not go when you're busy and stressed, but I know that if I don't go once, I won't go often so I try not to let myself skip. (If I let myself skip when ever I was busy and stressed, I'd NEVER go.)

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