Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Updates all around

(Long rambling post)

N (4.5 years) got a cold (very weird one... just a cough and congestion in the throat) last week... On Sunday she started coughing like crazy. She'd been coughing before, and I didn't think too much of it when it first started, but by Tuesday I knew she had something going on for sure.

On Wednesday I had a little cough. On Saturday I felt awful...Sunday too... Monday-today I've been tired. N seems mostly recovered... K (26 months) got the cough about Sunday or Monday (2 or 3 days ago). T (almost 1 year) started coughing last night. I think this is cold #3 for me this year... Cold #5 for the kids maybe??? If I went back through the archives I could figure it out. (File under Sick!) This has been not too bad of a cold, but no cold is fun.

Work Stuff
Work... I have a few things to wrap up from my CRAZY last 4 weeks with the C project. I have something else going on these next two weeks that is fun on that project, but I'm not the main person so that's nice. I get to sit back a little. I have another project (T2 project) that needs lots of attention, but doesn't have much budget. There is yet another project that will need lots of time as soon as a NIGHTMARE contract gets worked out (RT project). (Thank goodness I'm not the main person figuring it out. It's a TRUE SCARY NIGHTMARE.)

Two other projects are taking a few cycles (S and H), but will die down (for me) again soon. One other project (O) is trying to get my attention... This is a project that I should get rid of but don't because I like the leader of so much. My boss finally said to me, "You really should get off that project." UMMMM, EXCUSE encouraged me to stay on it. It's YOUR FAULT. I kind of said that to him exactly like that. He said, yes he wanted me to do it a long time ago, but that now it didn't make sense. But he also agreed that it was hard to leave the woman that runs that project. We both really like her.

House Stuff
The contractors finished up 3 weeks of work so far. We have new windows, all the framing done for the new space in our bedroom/bathroom, and now they had to stop work because we need the stuff for the shower and the plumbing. We didn't order things soon enough because we were too busy. All the plumbing stuff will hopefully be in by next week and hopefully the contractor can start right back up again.

Our cabinets are getting made for the kitchen! We need to go look at a floor... and make a decision for sure about it.

We have the most wonderful nanny. I am so sad for my friend who left (waving to D if you're reading this) cause she is really missing our nanny. And rightfully so. Our nanny is wonderful. She makes Mary Poppins look like a slacker! Seriously. I am very very very thankful right now.

On a related note, I miss my friend who just moved. I need to email her and I've just been too tired/sick/finishing up crazy work. I have emailed, but not enough. I'll go do that now.

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