Sunday, August 06, 2006

Taking it easy

So what happened yesterday? Why didn't we take it easy? Simple. I drank too much caffeine. We went to the library with the girls and then played in the fountains. It was a fun afternoon.

While playing in the fountains we got a very cute video of T (11.5) toddling around. If you'd like to see it, send me an email. My favorite part is when she walks from one fountain to the next and you see her little teeny foot prints appear on the concrete.

Today, I haven't had enough caffeine to perk me up yet. I'm still exhausted. Miss K (almost 27 months) also has the cough now so it must be a little virus. Miss T (11.5) ist still okay, but who knows! Today we seem to be hanging out at home and watching way too much tv. (We only watch kids educational tv, but really, today it seems a bit excessive. We need to get out of the house, but I don't have enough energy. We'll see what happens.)

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