Thursday, August 24, 2006


The follow-up appointment has been scheduled. It is next Wednesday (8/30) at 1. I will not speak more of this until after we do the appointment.

I will soon regale you with tales of frustrations at work, my haircut, and the scale (last night it said 1X2 which is 3.5 pounds less than it did Monday night, and last week and the week before and the week before I believe!). (I attribute that loss of 3.5 pounds to the stress I was under yesterday. Seriously. I was one stressed puppy!) I will be doing these silly light fluffy posts to distract myself. A release of nervous energy. Much nervous energy... Maybe it will mean more weight loss? Got to look for the bright side of stress right? I wonder how many calories you burn while blogging... and then while blogging when stressed. Hmmm...

I am worrying about things, but I am trying to come to grips on the worries because as the doctor said, there is nothing to worry about yet. We are just checking to make sure there is nothing to worry about. She also told me to stop googling. (Are you laughing at that as hard as I am?)


Anonymous said...

Your doctor obviously isn't aware of your internet addiction! hee hee hee

Hope all goes well next Wednesday!!

RUTH said...

After your comment I came to visit your blog.

Personally I'd always prefer to know more about what I'm worrying about than leave it to my over active imagination.

We've been through a number of health dramas with one of my daughters. Sometimes it is as bad as I've feared and once it took a visit to A&E at the hospital, 2 ECGs, 1 echocardiogram, 2 visits to a cardiologist and finally after months of worry she was diagnosed with an immature autonomic nervous system (which is totally harmless) and she'll grow out of it soon.

I think you'd probably enjoy my sister's blog too.