Sunday, August 13, 2006

Decision 2006

I've been kind of growing my hair, but I didn't know what I wanted to do with it ultimately. I just downloaded some photos and made a decision. I decided I'm cutting it. I'm going back to the length it was in May. It was a much better length. As soon as my hair gets past my shoulders I just don't like it any more. I knew this back in 1996, and I guess I had to relearn it in 2006. (In 1996, the first thing I did after breaking up with a boyfriend who had liked my hair long, was cut it. I had actually hated it long. I have good hair... It's thick, it's in good shape, but I just don't like the way my face looks when my hair is long.) (I also re-learned that I like my hair shorter than my shoulders in 1998 after our wedding. Thankfully, the woman who did my hair the day of the wedding made it look good despite it's length. Shortly after the wedding I went back to slightly shorter than my shoulders and was much happier.)

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