Wednesday, August 30, 2006

All of a sudden

All of a sudden Miss T looks more mature to me. She just turned one!
Her giggles are sounding older to me too.

Her 10th tooth broke through. She's working on 11 and 12. She's chewing on her fingers non-stop!
She now says "Thank you" when she hands you things.
Last night, when my husband washed her face, he said, "Ta-da" afterwards and she tried to say it too.

If she's standing and you say the word "jump" she'll start bouncing. It won't be long until she has air time!

She is obsessed with toliet paper and pulling it all off the roll. While I know this is a common thing, we were able to keep N and K from doing it. Given that N (4.5) uses the bathroom and K (27 months) is currently potty training, it's hard to keep T out of the bathroom.

Miss T loves to try to put on her sisters' shoes. Or her shoes. Or my shoes. Could I be so lucky to get two girls obsessed with shoes?

Miss T loves to try to put on clothes. It's so cute when she gets a shirt stuck on her head. She looks so pleased and walks around with it like that for a while.

She's such funny girl. She cracks herself and me up all the time!

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