Saturday, February 04, 2006

I FINALLY found my keys

I think I told you I couldn't find my car keys... I couldn't find them for 2 or 3 weeks... I can't remember, but it was a long-ish time. Anyway, I had searched high and low. I had emptied the toy boxes, searched behind the couch cushions; looked in jean pockets and jacket pockets; emptied my purse and cleaned it out; and looked everywhere that was obvious and not so obvious too.

Yesterday, I reached into the pocket of the jacket I was wearing, and there they were. I probably hadn't looked in that jacket. It's the problem having 4 black polar fleece jackets. It's hard to tell them apart.

My husband and I had a good laugh when I pulled them out of the pocket. (He was laughing at me... but that's okay. I was laughing at me too.) (If you can't laugh about stuff like that, you cry, so laughing is better.)

I'm glad I finally found them!

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