Monday, January 16, 2006

I will dance in the streets soon

Soon, my report (yes, the one that was supposed to be done before Christmas) will be done. (I know... but Christmas break was just too relaxing to interrupt it with work.) (Bad me!) I'm more than 1/2 way there I think. Realistically, I probably have about 8 hours left on it. Tomorrow I'll probably get about 2 hours to work on it. I'd get 3 if I were really really good and didn't take any blogging breaks.

The other thing I wanted to write about is that K (20 months) knows colors. If you ask her what color something is she'll proudly tell you, "Pink!" It most likely is not pink. Pink is the color she likes to name. If you ask her to hand you the green crayon though, she will do that. The other night in the bath she correctly identified the orange, green, blue, yellow and red bath crayons. I was very impressed. She's not 100% quite yet though. Tonight she was pointing to the yellow lego when I was asking her to show me green. She's getting there though.

The alphabet is coming along nicely too. I will say AB and she'll say CD I'll do EF she'll do G and then she launches into JJJJJJJJ P.

The throwing up when screaming is coming along nicely too. She did it again tonight. For my husband. When he was alone with 3. Poor guy. I live in fear of that happening to me when I'm alone with 3. I don't let her scream for any length of time when I'm alone with 3.

So anyway, did I tell you I had to be in at work really really early this morning for a meeting and when I got there I found out they had cancelled the meeting??? Did I tell you I was annoyed?

I need to get that report finished. I have another thing to write for another project. I need to up my work hours from about 5-10 hours a week to 20... soon. I have a lot of vacation and still some maternity leave so I don't have to up my hours, but I just have so much work creeping up on me.

Oh the good news about work is I don't have to go on a business trip. I'm very glad because the trip falls on my birthday.

Yes, this is a stream of consciousness post. I’m very tired cause I had to get up very early.

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